For Monday, February 1, 2016 – “M” classes
Early Release Schedule
2015-16 L&N Student Mission – Own it!
School Ops:
Our robotics team, the L&N STEMpunks, will be selling new 2016 shirts
in the commons this week! Shirts are $20 and help the team pay for their $9000
competition registration fees and $5000 robot! You can also email
Daniel Bueckman at:
if you want a shirt.
Congrats to our CyberPatriot team!
At the conclusion of competition Friday night they were ranked #1 in the
state. Final rankings will be announced
this week – but we’re proud of their accomplishments and growth as a team no
matter where they finish!
Seniors – don’t forget TN Promise meeting – MANDATORY – this morning at
8:00 a.m. in the STEM space. You must
attend in order to stay eligible.
Sophomores (Class of 2018) – your Focused plan of Study forms are now
past due. You should turn them in to
your Counselor with your parents signature ASAP!
Water polo
informational meeting will be Monday, Feb. 1st at 3:45
p.m. in room 104.
Congratulations to Erykah
Carter for winning the 2016 Bijou Awards for Best Female Singer. The Bijou
Awards is an annual event sponsored by the Bijou Theater that celebrates and
rewards area talent in singing and acting. Erykah is $1000 richer thanks
to her first-place scholarship win, and, as a result, STEM is $500
wealthier thanks to Erykah's talent. Way to go, Erykah!
The L&N STEM PTSA is having a T-shirt design contest and we need
lots of entries.... there's a $50 prize for the winning shirt
design! a free T-shirt! T-shirt
will have the L&N school crest on the front left chest, so the design will
be for the back of the shirt. Design
should be something that represents our school or it’s culture.
· no more than 2
colors of ink (white counts as a color if the shirt is not white)
· color of the
T-shirt is up to the designer so please state your color on the entry
· deadline is February,
8th, 2016
Want to have high tea
in Oxford? Want to visit Platform 9 3/4? Here is your chance! Mr. Bell is
planning a trip to England for Fall Break 2017. The major destinations
for this trip will be London, Bath, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Oxford. Come
see Westminster Abbey, the Globe Theatre, Stonehenge, the original Magna Carta,
Shakespeare’s Birthplace, and many other legendary sites. Additionally, this
trip will include four different theatre experiences! Please fill out the
Google Form below if you are interested. A kickoff meeting will be held
on Tuesday, February 2nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons for
students and parents interested in the trip. We hope to see you

Mark your Calendars!
The senior class will be hosting a “STEM Around the World” day on Saturday,
February 27th, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The day will be spent honoring the
diverse cultures present around our school and participants of the event will
be exposed to games, foods, dances, and arts of various different cultures
around the world. (This is a family friendly event, so all are welcome). All
proceeds gained from the event will be invested in the senior’s class gift so
everyone’s attendance and participation would be greatly appreciated! If you,
or your family would like to help out in any way possible, please sign up in
the following google doc:
Prom tickets for the
Junior/Senior Prom are available for purchase during lunch. Single tickets are
$45 and a couple tickets are $80 until January 31st. After that there is
another price increase - so get your tickets now!
Theme: A Red Carpet Romance Location:
Gettysvue Country Club
Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time: 7-11 pm
Hey Gryphons! Open Mic
Night is back this year, Feb 19th, and we are looking for
talented students like yourselves to sign up to perform! Your acts could range
from singing and dancing to magic and comedy— any talent acts are welcome! Sign
ups close on February 1st and the number of acts is limited, so
get your spot now!
Community & Guidance Ops:
· Leadership Knoxville is
seeking applicants for the 2016-17 Youth Leadership Class. Must be a current sophomore to be
eligible. Find out more about the
program at Email Mrs. Ashe if you’re
interested in applying. Deadline is Friday, Feb 26th.
of the day from Benjamin Franklin:
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
Practice L&N Habits every day: Collaboration, Critical
thinking, Design, Innovation, Inquiry, & Professionalism
L&N STEM Academy – TN’s First Apple School of
Distinction, 2-time TN Reward School for Performance (2012 – 2015)