Monday, April 7, 2014

Gryphon Student Announcements for 4/7/14

For Monday, April 7, 2014
 “L” Day

·      Make plans now to attend our PTSA’s bingo night and dinner tomorrow night, April 8.  Light dinner snack (a Moe’s jr burrito, chips and salsa) will be provided, your family can make a donation towards the food.  Then its bingo with fun prizes geared for different ages – like iTunes cards for you guys!  Dinner starts at 6:00 and Bingo will start around 7:00.  Come out and bring your family!

·      IMPORTANT!: Course Selection forms were due on March 28th, 2014.  Students will NOT receive a 2014-2015 schedule until the Course Selection form has been signed by a parent and turned into guidance.    

·      Summer Opportunities: check the College/Career webpage for summer programs in business, accounting, test prep, architecture, materials science, engineering, and more. Deadlines are soon.

·      There is a Women in Computing Careers event on tonight, April 7th from 5:15-7:15 at Pellissippi Hardin Valley campus in the Goins Auditorium. Students are encouraged to attend and hear about computing and information technology with a special focus on why careers in computing are a great choice for women. 

·      L&N Official STEM Academy Spring Fundraiser Shirts and STEM Items  Our deadline has been extended! Order the L&N t-shirt shown at the end of these announcements!! Shirts are $15 each. Please see the order form for other products and prices (on the front desk in the office and on the PTSA page under files).  This year you can also pay for all your L&N STEM gear with PAYPAL or swipe your credit card at various events over the next couple weeks. This is also on the school’s and PTSA Facebook pages so point your parents in that direction so they can see, too!

·      STEM 3 is working on a new big project and they are still in need of supplies. Please email Dr. Knox if you can donate tents, hiking sticks, large backpack or a sewing machine. These do not have to be in good condition as we will be using them for parts.

Clubs/organization news:

·      Chess club meets Wednesday mornings from 8:30 – 9:15 in room 202.

·      Equality club meets Tuesday mornings 8:50 – 9:15 in room 104.

·      Yarn Arts group meets Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:30 in the Commons Area.  All students and faculty are invited to attend – if you don’t know how to knit or crochet, come and learn!  Bring a project or just some yarn and a crochet hook!

·      Teens for Christ, Monday mornings in room D112 

Quote of the day from Les Brown:
Accept responsibility for your life.  Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.

Practice L&N Habits every day: Collaboration, Critical thinking, Design, Innovation, Inquiry, & Professionalism

Spring 2014 PTSA t-shirt design

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