For Monday, December 1, 2014
“L” Day Classes
School Ops:
· Baby it's COLD
outside! So, in the season of giving, help KARM by bringing in some of your
old, gently used coats. The donation box will be located in the commons, so
stop and plop your coats for those in need! The drive will last from December
1-5! Thank you for your support!
Sponsored by the “Pay It Forward” Genius Hour.
· Art
accolades: Congratulations to Shelby Hall, Hope Higginbotham, Austin Bradley, and Ben Hall, who each had work accepted into the juried East TN
Regional Art Show at the Knoxville Museum of Art. This is a huge honor for our students as this
competition includes all of East TN. Be
sure to visit the KMA (free admission) and see their work on display through
January 11, 2015.
· Interested in
serving as a facilitator for a student Honor Court? We’ll be staring one in January for
infractions like plaigirism, cyberbullying, and excessive tardies. We need sophomores, juniors, and seniors to
fill out the application attached before Christmas break and send them to . See Mr. LaFollette if you have questions.
· Time to start
ordering prom tickets! Order now to get
the cheapest rate possible – tickets are $40 per ticket until the end of
December. They will be available on Wednesdays during Genius Hour, and they
will be sold at the door of the Media Center.
In January the cost goes up. Get
‘em now!
· Want to be a
published author? Want to discuss your ideas publicly? Submit a
paper for the first annual STEMinar: a public forum to be held in February
2015. Write a paper on "Civil Disobedience in Life and
Literature," and submit it to Mr. Blevins at
Deadline for submissions is December 14th, 11:59 P.M. Ask any English
teacher for more information!

Our PTSA is selling this vintage-L&N
logo t-shirt as well as magnets and tumblers. Please click on the link
to access the order form. The first order will be placed Tuesday, Dec. 2, and
the last order will be placed Dec. 16. If you pay with PayPal, your
confirmation must be included on or attached to the order form.
Research Ops:
· JUNIORS ONLY: Students
Invited to Apply for the Joint Science Education Project (JSEP)
The Joint Science Education Project (JSEP) is a
National Science Foundation supported science and cultural-exchange summer program for high-school students. The three-week
program takes place entirely in Greenland.
Participants from the United States, Denmark, and Greenland live and work
together while exploring current research and completing their own
inquiry-based investigations. The program includes two weeks of extensive field
experiences based out of the town of Kangerlussuaq and a final week with a
visit to Summit Station, the U.S. research facility located at the top of the
Greenland ice sheet. Students observe scientists as they conduct research in a
wide variety of fields including biology, geology, climatology, chemistry, and
engineering. Students also have significant hands-on experiences in field
research under the guidance of professional teachers from the participating
nations. JSEP is open to U.S. citizens or permanent
residents in the 11th grade at the time of application submittal. Applications
from underserved students are encouraged. NSF's Division of Polar Programs
covers all participant costs, such as food, transportation, lodging, and
instruction for students selected to
participate. For more information, including
application materials, go to Applications for the JSEP 2015 program will
open on November 15, 2014 and close January 9, 2015.
STUDENTS: Taking the December ACT? Want to increase your
score? ACT and Test Prep is available! Cost: free! Where:
Room 214 When: 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Nov 17, 19, 24, Dec 1, 3, 8, and 10
(Mondays and Wednesdays). Email Ms. Norton at
with any questions. Will be repeated with spring test dates!
Community Ops:
· The eLemeNtal
Literary Magazine: Access our e-publication here: Want to be
featured or included in the next issue? Next issue’s theme is “Winter
Wonderland”. Students are invited to submit their work to
Quote of the day from George Addair:
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
L&N Habits every day: Collaboration, Critical thinking, Design, Innovation,
Inquiry, & Professionalism
Academy – TN’s First Apple School of Distinction, 2-time TN Reward School for
Performance (2012 – 2014)